Nana’s Presepe:
Video Artwork

Dubai Expo:
Seychelles Women's Pavilion


Nana’s Presepe - Image Still
Commissioned by the Seychelles Arts Council, this work is part of a bigger project which brought together 15 Seychellois women artists for the Seychelles Women’s Pavilion at the Dubai Expo 2021.

Unable to travel to Seychelles due to COVID-19 regulations, Mona collaged a performance piece to reposition herself in her grandmother’s home in Seychelles. Presepe is a celebration of Seychellois women with Creole customs at the centre of the mise en scene and a contemporary approach to crafting a set for worship. This mystical representation is an invitation to worship the woman’s role in the nativity scenes.

Concept, Design & Edit Mona Camille / Directed by Olivier Vandenhende /
Background Photograph of Lakaz Nana by ©Margit Camille-Reichardt